10 Bad Skincare Habits to Ditch in The New Year

Do you want the skin of your dreams in 2021? Or perhaps you are tired of constant breakouts and sporting a lackluster complexion, and want to change that in the new year? If clear skin has been somewhat of a pipe dream last year, chances are you’ve got some bad habits going. Check out our list of the top 10 bad skincare habits that may be holding you back – get rid of these and welcome beautiful and glowing skin as it should be!

1. Cleansing with harsh ingredients

When it comes to cleansing, most people assume any product will do. While plenty of drug store cleaners can do a great job, it is important to learn the value behind each ingredient. For instance, using a salicylic acid-based cleanser on non-acne-prone or oily skin will do you no benefits. Similarly, cleansers that contain harsh ingredients such as alcohol will damage your skin, no matter the type. Instead, opt for a gentle cleanser that does not strip your skin of its moisture and gives you a cleaner, brighter skin post-wash.

2. Ignoring the power of double cleansing

K-Beauty warrior or not, adapting double cleansing as part of your skincare will give results that you can actually see. Using an oil-based cleanser first, followed by your preferred cleansing gel can help remove any extra build-up of dirt, makeup, and oil leaving your skin truly clean. Oil-based means you don’t run the risk of drying out your complexion either! When skin is clean, every product you put on it thereafter absorbs better, and hence gives shinier results!

Read more: Want super-smooth skin? Here’s what to do!

3. Physical Exfoliation

Walnut scrubs may have been a rage in the old days, but know that using a physical exfoliator is likely harming your skin. Physical exfoliators can cause micro-tears on the skin’s surface. Add over exfoliation to the mix, and you’ll end up with red and damaged skin that will take longer to repair. Instead, embrace chemical exfoliants like Glycolic or Lactic Acid that help slough away dead skin, all while giving you that lit-from-within glow.

4. Skipping Moisturiser

No matter how oily your skin, you NEED hydration. When you don’t give your skin ample moisture, it will begin to overproduce sebum and oils of its own, leading to an even oilier face.

5. Not applying products within 2 minutes of washing your face

Don’t leave too much time between your skincare and cleansing! Skincare serums and moisturizers are best absorbed when your skin is still damp from a wash. Leave it too long, and you’ll miss giving it the right hydration at the optimum time!

6. Skipping sunscreen

We’ve said it often enough – sunscreen is the bare essential skincare investment you must make. Rain or shine, cold or hot, sunscreen on your face is an important part of keeping sunburn and other skin aging factors at bay. Don’t want pigmentation or wrinkles? Instead of investing in the best-in-class serum, avoid them in the first place by getting a sunscreen you love!

7. Not giving products enough time to work

Bought that popular skincare product but don’t see much change? While some skincare products show results in a few days, most do take time. When using products that claim to give you better skin, try and stick to them for a month or so to see real improvements. Products such as acids and Retinols are notorious for scaring people away as they can make you break out, but dial back, use them on alternate days and you will start to see results – slowly but surely!

8. Not investing in facials

Think facials are an indulgence and not a necessity? Many skincare experts in fact advocate getting a facial as often as every couple of weeks to get your skin glowing. And while a bi-monthly facial maybe a big ask both cost and time-wise, try and get a facial at least once a month. A professionally done facial can help clear out your skin and also address several issues that are hard to manage at home. Request for a good cleanse along with targeted professional peels, masks, and even laser to combat any skin woes you have.

9. Eating a Poor Diet

Want to jump on a diet now that it’s the new year? Detoxing your body of alcohol and eating right is different from starving it of the good stuff. Remember, that your skin will reflect what goes inside your body as much as what goes on it. Try and get your fair share of vegetables and fruits and stay away from sugar and processed food to give your skin a chance to breathe.

10. Not cleaning your pillow

You may be diligent about not touching your skin throughout the day, but if you meet dust and dirt when you hit your pillow, all your efforts will be nullified! Wash your pillowcases often, and clean pillows by either washing, vacuuming, or even air-drying. And while you are at it, consider cleaning your phone screen and glasses with anti-bacterial wipes so as to keep acne and breakouts at bay.

Read more: Getting Party-Ready… Right After the Party?

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