Hair Loss For Men. We Answer Your Silent Questions

Seeing a few hair strands shed after brushing or showering is normal. As a matter of fact, there’s no need to worry as everyone sheds around 100 to 150 strands per day. But it’s entirely different once you notice your hairline receding or crown thinning. Why? Because that’s when it hits you – there is no escaping the inevitable hair loss. 

We know how this might kill your confidence – after all, no one likes to see an awkwardly high hairline. And trust us, you’re not the only one worrying about it, as hair loss is a common issue among men. Look no further, as we have compiled everything you need to know about hair loss to keep your mane as healthy as possible. 

Why is my hair falling out?

Many factors are at play here, ranging from genetics, infections, and hormonal changes. Here are some of the common reasons: 

Male pattern baldness. Also known as androgenetic alopecia, it is the leading cause of permanent hair loss in men. It happens due to genetics or the effects of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Stress. Yes, you read that right – stress may also cause hair loss. It triggers telogen effluvium, wherein your hair falls out en masse after it disrupts your hair development cycle.

Certain medications. Several commonly used medicines can induce temporary hair loss. This includes high blood pressure medications, blood thinners, beta-blockers, retinoids, thyroid meds, and cancer therapies.

Medical conditions. You can also experience shedding or thinning because of certain medical conditions or disorders. This could be because of fungal scalp infections, autoimmune diseases, and thyroid disease, among other health conditions.

Irritation to hair care products. Some hair care products, particularly those that might damage your hair or irritate your scalp, can worsen or cause hair loss. 

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How will I know if I’m starting to lose my hair?

If you are losing patches of hair seemingly at random, you might have alopecia. This is a condition wherein a person loses patches of hair from different areas of their body. In severe cases, it affects all of the hair. However, remember that it is not the same as male pattern baldness. 

Male pattern baldness is when you lose hair in a receding pattern, mainly from the temples and crown. It’s essential to pinpoint what causes your hair loss first, so you know how to tackle it properly.

When does it usually start?

Most men start to lose hair in their 20s, specifically if they have hereditary male pattern baldness. On the other hand, at least 85% of men experience significant hair loss or thinning in their 50s. So before you think of the worst, remember that all men go through this. It’s normal, and it’s part of life! 

Can I treat it?

Of course, you can! Despite being a natural process, there are ways to treat hair loss, especially if you are tired of camouflaging it with a hat. Here are some available options:

Prescription or OTC medications. You can use minoxidil lotion (OTC) or ask for a finasteride prescription. These two medications stimulate hair growth, although they might take some time to show results. 

Hair transplant. Getting a hair transplant is another way to treat hair loss. The process involves removing tiny punch grafts from your scalp or a donor location. Then, these grafts are relocated to another spot where there is balding or thinning. 

Laser treatments. Laser treatments reduce inflammation in the hair follicles, which may help treat hair loss. Other kinds of laser therapies, such as low-level laser therapy, can also boost hair growth. 

There are a number of options available at your favourite aesthetic clinic in Singapore. Just book a consult with your doctor to find out more.

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