Quick and Effective Skincare Solutions for Men Who Are Just Too Busy

Don’t have the time? Busy lives and crazy schedules may well be your truth but that’s no reason to flee from your skincare responsibilities! There are plenty of ways that you can use effective and quick-fix skincare solutions to zap away your troubles. All it takes is a little research, knowledge of skin types and learning what ingredients actually work. Alternatively, use this handy guide that will get you closer to clearer, younger skin – and rather quickly at that!


Notice how certain areas of your face are getting darker or pigmented as you grow older? Age spots or pigmentation cause uneven skin tone in men and are a result of un-protected sun exposure.

It is really as simple as investing in a quality sunscreen. Check the SPF carefully and know that the higher the number, it may not necessarily mean better protection. But, whether you are headed out or cooped up indoors, SPF is non negotiable.

Read more: 4 Fun things to do when stuck at home

Handsome young man worried about hairloss

2. Acne 

Whether it’s your skin type or the perks of living in a tropical climate, you aren’t alone if acne is one of your biggest problems. Oil, sweat and dirt mean your pores clog more and hence breed what we all hate – acne. How can you treat it? Invest in a face wash that helps with oily skin, follow it up with a serum or essence that is meant to counter breakouts and acne. Retinol newbies, this is your chance to embrace what is known to women as the ‘daddy of all skincare ingredients’. Retinol is a common prescriptive for acne sufferers across the world. A derivative of Vitamin A, retinoids unclog pores and also reduce acne breakouts by preventing dead cells from clogging them again.

3. Oily Skin

While you are treating your acne don’t forget to moisturise. It may sound counter intuitive to add more moisture when you have oily skin, but it truly is what your skin thirsts for. Sometimes oily skin is a result of it being dehydrated – your sebaceous glands could be over producing oil to help with this dehydration and hence the oiliness!

Opt for moisturisers that control sebum production and are preferably oil-free. A gel formula with plenty of anti ageing properties, is even better.

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4. Baggy Eyes

First place a man shows signs of ageing? The eyes! If you have dark circles and puffy bags under your eyes, it’s time to start treating them well. The easiest way to do this is by investing in a quality eye cream that improves circulation and reduces puffiness. Look out for ingredients that help with cell turnover and encourage natural collagen production in your skin. Vitamin A and Co-enzyme Q10 make for a potent mix that moisturises and firms the eye area.

Simply use day and night after cleansing and make sure to apply with a gentle patting motion for heightened absorption.

5. Scaly Skin

If dry and flaking skin is bringing you down, exfoliation is your friend. And while you may dig into your better half’s closet for some indulging scrubs, know that all exfoliators aren’t created the same. Choosing one that is harsh and strips the skin of its moisture will only make your skin, dryer. Look for scrubs that include moisturising capabilities and are hence working with your skin rather than against it. You also need to be careful about over use of exfoliants. Stick to using a scrub not more that twice a week and make sure to follow up with a moisturiser every time.

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