6 Skincare Habits That People With Good Skin Have

Envious of someone else’s glowing skin? While genes, exercise and nutrition have a role to play in giving skin that gleam of gorgeousness, daily habits are as important too. From reading signals on their skin to investing in the right ingredients, these 6 skincare habits are ones to follow.


1. Assess their skin every single day

Woke up with a pimple one day and dry skin the next? People with great complexions make note of every single change in their skin and nurture it accordingly. From drenching yourself in moisturising packs to ensuring the right acids are delivered to your skin, a keen interest in what your skin needs is the first step towards achieving a continuous glow.

READ MORE: When your acne isn’t acne

2.Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse

Don’t get me wrong, I love cleansing wipes! Convenient, easy to use and with no need to leave your bed side, wipes may seem like the perfect solution to removing makeup but they are definitely not enough. People with good skin invest in cleansing – and cleansing throughly at that. Washing your face? Now that’s non negotiable, no matter what! Makeup and residual bacteria are the reason for breakouts and squeaky clean skin gives you the perfect base to absorb products correctly.

Lovely brunette with cosmetic oil in pipette

3. Invest in the right skincare

Know your AHA’s from your BHA’s, because that’s what people with good skin do. Whether it’s buying the latest effective products on the market or using DIY peels made from papaya skin at home, know that skin care does not have to be expensive. As long as you can find products that work for and nourish your skin, the investment is a wise one. While indulging in expensive makeup may sound tempting, make the right #skinvestment in cleansers, masks, serums and toners to ensure your makeup looks great. Or better still, go sans makeup!

READ MORE: When your acne isn’t acne

4. Vitamins for the skin

While topical applications are great enablers for a healthy complexion, it is important to also feed it internally. People with good skin find out what works for it inside-out. From ensuring the right intake of vitamins and minerals to making sure they take them regularly, those with flawless skin are diligent about nutrition – as you too should be.

Young beautiful Asian woman scared of sunshine isolated over pink background. Concept for summer skin care and skin protection from uv sunshine

5. Sunscreen

You’ve probably heard it many a times, but sunscreen is indeed as important as its made out to be. The number one reason for ageing of skin, protecting against harmful UV rays from the sun should be your number one priority. Choose chemical-free sunscreens that give you adequate protection and if possible try to protect internally too. That’s right, oral sunscreens are all the rage now and for a reason. With the ability to protect uniformly and over longer periods of time, oral sunscreen is the perfect way to compliment physical application of it.

6. A go-to dermatologist

You may have many a friends around town but when it comes to great skin, befriend a dermatologist. Having a go-to person on your skin care needs keeps you armed with all the necessary weapons – prevention, maintenance and cure. And when it comes to dermatologists, remember good skin makes for a good investment – this is not the time for bargaining. Choose amongst the best in the industry and you too will flaunt skin that’s coveted by others.

READ MORE: When your acne isn’t acne

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