The Best DIY Facial for Problem Skin


We all have days where we want to pamper ourselves and keep our skin happy. For those of you out there suffering from blemished or pigmented skin, here’s a simple DIY facial to help brighten the skin and keep those pesky spots at bay.


1. Exfoliate!

Gently exfoliating your skin will rid it of dead skin cells and residual dirt. It’s a must if you want to keep your skin healthy and glowing – an important step that’s often neglected in most skincare routines.

I like to use Chái Crystal Healing. It’s an oxygenating facial scrub packed with micro-ionized pearls and even champagne extracts! This exfoliating scrub is great for minimising your pores, and is definitely worth the splurge as just a little bit of the product goes a long way. The micro-ionized pearls help improve circulation in the skin while removing debris.

But it’s not like your everyday facial scrub in that it comes in powder form. All you have to do is mix the fine crystal powder with water, and apply to your face as a mask. After 10 minutes, use your fingertips to activate the crystal scrub particles, and then rinse it off! It’s as simple as that, and the effects are well worth the extra step.


2. Tackle those pigments!

No one can deny that hyperpigmentation is a nuisance. Caused by the overproduction of melanin in the skin, it makes your skin look blotchy and uneven. It’s relatively common and usually harmless, but who wants their skin to look less than perfect?

I had the privilege of trying out Chái’s Citrine Vitamin C Elixir and powder. Vitamin C is known for its longevity-enhancing, cellular detoxification, and skin whitening effects. It also helps to strengthen the skin, making it more resilient to both internal and external stressors.

Just mix one capsule of pure Vitamin C powder with the accompanying serum, before massaging into skin. Each capsule contains the perfect amount of Vitamin C powder for one use. Using regularly on problem areas really helps in fixing dull skin, and gives it a healthy glow as well.


3. Mask up!

We all love sheet masks. They’re soothing, relaxing and makes your skin feel wonderful afterwards with no prep required. Since the aim today is to brighten our overall complexion, I’d recommend SW1’s Water Infusion Mask.

It soaks your skin in ionized mineral water and also hyaluronic acid for a glowing, dewy complexion, so it’s one of my favourite masks to use that I save for a rainy day. I tend to reach for this mask after a particularly stressful day just to pamper myself.


4. A vitamin a day, keep the spots at bay!

Vitamin C, that is. This magic ingredient helps to reduce the visible sign of photo aging by fighting free radicals. These productive functions result in smooth, toned, and younger-looking skin.

Korres Wild Rose + Vitamin C Advanced Brightening Sleeping Facial also helps in brightening spots and reducing the chances of having acne-prone skin due to Vitamin C infused in the solution.

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